Thursday, December 2, 2010

a post-thanksgiving blog.

so as i'm sure you can tell, i'm late again in reporting anything of value. thanksgiving came and went, it was awesome but made my tummy hurt with all the food-ness.

my awesome thanksgiving crimp. :D

following thanksgiving was BLACK FRIDAY MADNESS, in which myself, my dude and his mom decided it would be a good idea to freeze our collective asses off outside of sam's club at 3:30 am to get my baby a new laptop. luckily, we did get our frozen fingers on a pretty sweet laptop, but we only got to warm up for about ten minutes before we were off again.

standing in line outside in the cold. we look like snow monsters.

but let us back up for a moment, and relive my SNOW TERRORS.

my dude picked me up at my house at about 10-ish, and we actually left at about 11-ish (had to fill himself with our tasty thanksgiving leftovers, om nom nom!) and as we were leaving there was definitely something invisible and frozen falling from the sky. as we traveled, these invisible frozen somethings grew and grew until they were giant fat snowflakes. these snow flakes were already freaking me out, since when you drive through giant snow it looks like what i call (and what chris called also, which surprised me) 'warp speed', where it looks like white lines coming at you as you travel through SPACE.

now my dude already knows how i just can't see things the way he does (literally, due to extremely fucked-up vision), so he checked on me to make sure i wasn't going to turn into 'a big ball of OH NOES!' i told him i was probably fine. as we traveled down the interstate and street lights became more and more scarce, i became more and more afraid. we were traveling slower than normal, which seem perfectly logical to me due to the conditions, but everyone else around us thought it was a bright sunny day and proceeded to zoom around us. which was fine by me. as long as they crashed far enough ahead of us that chris could stop.

so we're traveling down the interstate at about 40 miles per hour. closer to shelbyville, we hit a construction area (that has been there for like a million years and is still apparently being worked on) and were forced into one lane with these barriers on either side of us. again with no street lights. so all i can see is snow and darkness. if i could have rolled into a comfy fetal position i would have done so. we slowed down to like, 25 miles per hour though here. if the car behind us was pissed he didn't show it. but i'm sure he was. chris is trying to talk to me to calm me down, i guess. i wasn't outwardly freaking out, but had successfully turned into that big ball of OH NOES. all i could do was stare wide-eyed at the giant frozen snow coming at me at warp speed with no idea if there was anything else around us at all.

once we made it back into civilization i was fine. we did have to fight the giant snows through the wal-mart parking lot. it was like the snow was punching us right in the face. punching us with it's frozen crystals of fury. i was all sad panda. for reals.

and of course after that it never snowed again and all traces of the snow were gone by morning.

my dude and i spent way to much money, but i got quite a bit of christmas done, so it's all good. even a special christmas surprise for the buglette, we found and awesome zhu zhu pets castle for her that apparently wasn't even supposed to be on the floor yet, but we got one so yay! got mandy an awsome waffle maker which makes the most awesome fat-ass waffles in EVER. have you ever had a fat-ass chocolate chip waffle? if you haven't then you haven't lived.

that's about all the thanksgiving stuff. in other news i spent the most awesome lazy day ever yesterday with chris. it was spent doing nothing while waiting to be able to play video games. then playing video games. then doing some more nothing. there was also a lot of snuggling thrown in there. nothing better than a good winter time snuggle. :3

also, i'm painting a large and rather cartoon-y painting of an owl and some clouds. more info as that gets more painted.

some clouds. an owl outline has since been added.

and i guess that's all for now. get on that christmas shopping if you haven't already, you're running out of time.


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