Tuesday, December 14, 2010

30 days of truth: days ten and eleven

ha, chris said i would eventually miss a day, and i did from sleepiness and working on bugglette's.  D:

day ten:  someone you need to let go of, or wish you didn't know

again, i don't hold on to people that are bad for me.  so this one is also kinda short.  though there is a girl who caused me much grief and almost got a lamp to the face who i wish i hadn't even attempted to be friends with.  i think that's really where most of my anger lies in that situation, she was mandy's friend and mandy liked her and she was at out house all the time, so i tried to be friends with her.  it turns out though that she never wanted to hang out with me and was usually mad when mandy invited me to go places with them.  

even though we're not twins like people tend to believe, we still come as a set, so you just kinda have to get over it.  :P

it also turned out that she would just hate people for no reason at all, and sometimes those people were your best friends, and she had no problem telling you that she hates them.  completely unprovoked, even.

so she's a bitch and i'm sad that i wasted my time.

day eleven:  something people seem to compliment you on the most

i wish i didn't have to go with such a physical description, but it's definitely my hair.  :B  i have at least one person a day say i have cute hair, unless of course i just stay in my house.  my hair has actually always been a huge struggle, the only mexican gene i got from my dad was this thick crazy hair that gets curly and tumbleweed shaped if i let it get to long.  

which is why in high school i finally chopped it all off.  it was a sad day.  and then i went to school the next day and people were all like 'wtfffffffffff?'  D:  

luckily now i know how to manage it's unruliness, and i'm actually growing it out again.  it's still really short, but if you look at facebook pictures from last year and then from this month, my hair is about twice as long as it used to be and it doesn't spike up anymore.

actually here, i'll do it for you.

november 2009

you can check the facebook for more recent ones, but look at my lack of hair.

it's just long enough now to poke me and the face and freak me out because i'm still not used to it being there.  

i guess i should use this space to thank my awesome hairdresser and big sister, mandy.  i guess she finally made me presentable to society.  

love you, bitch face.  :3

1 comment:

  1. Tiffers!!! I love your philosophy on the side! :)
    And i love your hair :p
