Tuesday, December 21, 2010

30 days of truth: days fifteen through nineteen

gosh, with school and bugglette's and work i've had not time to blog!  i did at least get a weekend off to spend with my dude, but still, SO BEHIND.

day fifteen:  someone or something you couldn't live without, because you've tried living without it.

i guess this would have to be my family.  i did run off to college right after high school and i think i was totally unprepared emotionally to deal with the separation.  not that i think i have to always live WITH my parents, but i would like to be in a place where they are easily accessible. 

those last few days at morehead i was so sick.  i think i had the flu or something.  and there was nobody there to help me.  at one point i tried to get somebody to take my to rite-aid to find some sort of medication to help, but nobody would go.  i called my mom and all she could tell me was to hang in there because they'd be there to get me in a couple of days.

i don't even remember much of those last days.  i was so miserable and i was up all night and that's when i realized for sure that this just wasn't working and that i just really needed to go home.

day sixteen:  someone or something you definitely could live without.

i'm sure i've mentioned this before, but i don't keep people around that aren't good for me, so there is none of this 'gosh, get out of my life!' feeling.  

the same goes for things.  if something isn't working for me, i don't just hang on to it.  if a shirt doesn't fit, i take it back.  if something doesn't work, i get rid of it.  i do admit i wasn't always like this and kept a lot of things that i didn't need.  i guess now with my dude and i making serious plans to move in together i have a better perspective since i simply *can't* take everything with me.  so i can live without the crappy drawings i did in middle school and bunch of pens and folders that don't work or are falling apart that i kept just because they used to be my favorite.  i don't need all the stuffed animals that used to keep me company when bug could use them or they could go to goodwill for another little girl to find them and love them.

basically, in my mind, it's easier to just not hold on to things that you know are going to be bad for you then to try to get rid of them later.  that goes for people and things of all kinds.

day seventeen:  a book you've read that changed your views on something.


i'm not saying that i don't read to learn.  but i usually don't.  unless you count the bulbapedia.  

which you probably don't.

day eighteen:  your views on gay marriage.

go for it.

everybody else has all these religious reasons and blah blah blah, but if you ask me, if it's not hurting you or having really any affect on you at all then WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?  it's not like a bunch of gay people are gonna go get married and have a mass orgy in the streets so you have to watch it.

they're gonna get married, maybe get themselves a house and a dog and go on with their lives just like everybody else.

deal with it.

day nineteen:  what do you think of religion?  or politics?

to get this out of the way first, i know nothing about politics.  literally nothing.  i don't even mention them because i don't understand them.  and that's about it.

as far as religion, i don't have too many thoughts on it, really.  i'm not a church person but i don't have anything against the church.  in general i guess i'm just not a fan of organized religion, that's when things that should be good turn into things that are bad.  D:

i guess i'm a spiritual person, i find peace believing that there is some sort of higher power even if it's one that i don't understand or wasn't meant to understand.  and i don't need to try to make sense of it, which i think is what happens in groups, that they try to make sense of something they can't ever really understand.  and i think that's silly.


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