Friday, July 2, 2010


havin' trouble sleepin'.

this is gonna sound weird to some people, but i find that it's much harder for me to sleep without chris, even though i'm actually more comfortable when he's not in bed with me. you'd think when i could be all stretched out and comfy it would be so much easier to sleep. sigh.

and it's not just that he's not here, he also had to be up early for his first day of work tomorrow (yay for job! i love him!) so i talked to him much earlier, about ten o'clock instead of calling him right before i go to bed at about one or one-thirty.

he's the comfiest pillow. and even when he's not around, i can talk to him on the phone and feel just as warm, safe and sleepy.

i'm sure if mandy reads this blog, she will gag. but i don't care. i heart my dude, and i'm just sad to go to sleep alone.
