Thursday, May 26, 2011

stormy but not blog.

the weather people have been trying to tell me all day that we're all gonna get hit with tornadoes.

okay.  maybe not.  i'm  not blaming weather people.  they were right, totally got hit by the giant line of storms, they just weren't nearly as powerful by the time they got to us.  so we abandoned ship for nothing.  but let me tell you about it anyway.

i 'like' wave 3 weather on facebook, so they tell me weather things all day.  and you can tell something is going on when there are like, 15 posts in a row.  they were thunderstorm watches and warnings, tornado watches and warnings, flash flood, blah blah blah, you name a weather disaster and a city in kentucky and it was there.  so i was on the phone with mandy, we were all like, watching the maps and the radar.  chris's mom wanted us to come there (a brick house will fair better in a tornado than a mobile home every time), and phil was like 'whatever, nothing's gonna happen'.  (and he was right and he's probably mad right now that he went to his parents house.)

the storms were moving pretty slow, so we decided to wait a bit before we left.  i had my purse and my dr. who containment unit (aka a laundry basket and a comforter) ready on the couch.  and yes, i told chris i was not leaving without the cat, and i stuck to my word and chased the cat down and put him in the basket before we left.  

we weren't in a hurry, nothing was happening at the time.  but i did manage to fall down the porch steps and land on my knees on the concrete while snuggling a kitty basket.  basically, i have little to no depth perception at night, and when i look down the porch steps they look like a flat slab of concrete, so chris has to wait at the bottom of the stairs for me.  he waited and he tried to help, but i couldn't see the steps and couldn't see past the kitty basket, so i guess i must have just skipped the last step.  i landed on my knees and my tippy toes (which felt like i'd snapped them backwards) and i guess the sheer upward force of my landing made my back really hurt for a minute.  it's still a little sore.  chris was apologizing the whole time, i kept telling him to stop because there was nothing he could have done about it.  but he always feels bad when i hurt myself.

so we hung out at chris's parents house.  the doctor was freaking out because this is the home of two poodles and one was less than thrilled to see him, so he spent his time hiding behind the toilet in the bathroom.  he was finally feeling like exploring right before we left, but alas, was too late for him.

sigh.  i'm so tired of all these storms, people!  for realsies.  because we took shelter this time and nothing happened, but the one time we don't do it we'll probably be blown away.  it's just so much hassle, plus i'm mad that i fell down the steps.  my knees hurt, my toes hurt, my back is all sore and then this tornado had THE NERVE to NOT SHOW UP.  fuck you, tornado.  you could have at least made an appearance after all that.

watch, i mocked the tornado and sirens are gonna go off or something.

maybe not.

anyway, i'm tired and hurty all over, probably not gonna be able to treadmill tomorrow (AGAIN, my back was already being all sore and wonky earlier today).  so blah.


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