Monday, May 9, 2011

so yeah blog.

it's been a while bloggy.  it's too hard keeping up with two blogs, plus i was basically just double tracking all my food, so my fat blog is pretty much defunct.  but that means i have more incentive to blog here to my bloggy friends!  :D

any way, today is officially. . .


let it live in infamy.

this picture is totally crazy but look at my skinny face!

my mom (who has always been the skinniest of the three) has been emptying her closet to me all day, i have a whole garbage bag full of pants and shirts to take home with me!  i'll say i've gone down a whole size (from 24 to 22) but mom did give me a pair of size 20 capris that fit really well, so i guess it depends on the kind of pants they are.  

anyway, i was just so excited i had to tell you!

also, don't be sad about the fat blog.  mandy and i have started vlogging about our weight loss and have our own youtube channel (ingeniously titled 'two fat girls')!  go join us in awesome weight loss hilarity!  click here and watch us be chubby and funny!


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