Tuesday, May 17, 2011

laundry and goodwill blog!

it's 'get this fucking laundry out of my room' day!

if you follow my vlogs over at two fat girls, you'll know that after losing twenty pounds i needed new clothes.  i can't afford new clothes, so mom gave a me a bunch of really cute clothes that she couldn't fit anymore.  some of these even still had tags on them!  some of them were my clothes that i had given *her* when i got to fat for them.  just a bunch of stuff.  literally a garbage bag full of clothes.

now, i love all these clothes.  i do.  problem is i don't have room for all of them!  i hung up as many as i could, ran out of clothes hangers and had to abandon the effort.  i couldn't fit all the new clothes, plus i had clothes that i had just gotten out of the laundry before mom gave me the new ones.  so this happened:

laundry chair!

this is the laundry chair.  it's the clothes i got out of the dryer after i used up all the clothes hangers on new clothes.  it also includes the sheet that washed that covers the chair and the fuzzy green blanket that usually lives there in a much more decorative way.  there's also the chair's throw pillow in there somewhere.  i am very upset by this chair.

i decided today is going to have to be goodwill day.  i'm going to venture into my closet and pull out all the stuff that is way to big for any of us now and stuff that i just don't think is ever going to fit and put it in a goodwill bag and chris and i can drop it off tomorrow.  

joining me on this adventure:

the doctor!

it's nice to have company.  :D

so off i go to try to salvage my vlogging chair!


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