Sunday, January 30, 2011

a not-so-hungry blog.

hello, my bloggers!

i haven't been ignoring you.  i have actually been really wanting to blog to you about random stuffage, but these random stuffs had pictures involved and those pictures are on my phone and the usb cord to my phone is who knows where. . .

if you were curious, there was a picture of me and a valentine pillow pet, chris holding a bath loofah shaped like a wiener dog, my owl mug watching us as we play thunderstone, and my hello kitty purse staring at us creepily.   

in other news, i'm now on day two at the game shop watching chris judge the nerdy actions of others.  yesterday while this was going on i crocheted a hat, started designing a new blog to follow my weight watchers adventures and gave my laptop a horrible virus that i hope it recovers from.  i also kicked ass at another game of thunderstone (even though i did have about a MILLION diseases in my deck).  i'm so cool.  :P

i guess the biggest news of this blog is that i may actually be moving!  chris and i think we can finally afford to move in with his bff phil.  he'll even cut us a deal until i find a job there.  so i may be moving to shelbyville at the beginning of march and i'll finally be able to use all those kitchen supplies we've been hoarding under my bed!  oh, and my adorable heart shaped bowls i got for christmas!  i'm gonna eat so much cereal out of them.  :B

and everyone has been very supportive of the move, so hopefully it actually goes as planned.  mom says she'll have to face her fears about driving on the interstate so she can make sure we don't starve.  mandy and dad are already fighting about what to do with my room.  dad wants an office.  mandy wants a salon.  i can't wait to see who wins on that one.

and also, MY NEW BLOG.  it's all about me winning or failing at weight loss.  my goal is have a wedding dress that zips up all the way.  go read.  now.



  1. bahahahaha!!! i've had your cordy thing for weeks! for weeks!!!

  2. i've been using your cordy thing, i've been using your cordy thing. . .

  3. i'm gonna find it and i'm taking it back.
