Saturday, December 11, 2010

30 days of truth: day seven

day seven:  somebody who has made your life worth living.

this is kind of an odd question to me, it makes it sound like without a certain person, my life *wasn't* worth living.  i've always had something to live for, but now there is a person who makes me want to live my life along side theirs.

and i'm sure they know who they are.  but if they don't. . .

his name is christopher waits.  he came from the internet and changed my whole world.  

before him i used to try to imagine what it would be like to have somebody who really did love me, what it would be like to walk around holding somebodies hand, and what it would be like to tell people about the amazing adventures that i have with the man i love.

and it has been so much more amazing than i ever imagined.  he keeps me warm when i'm cold, he makes me laugh when i'm sad.  he can even make my happy when i'm trying my best to be angry.  he's the one who picks me and all of my pieces up when i feel like the world is falling apart.

and of course, you can't forget our amazing adventures.

yeah.  you wish you were there to find that super onion.  but you weren't.  you can go cry now.

yes, all of our awesome adventures are just like this.  but i love it.  i love 'oops, wrong way down a one-way street' adventures like our first valentines day.  and i love 'slipping and sliding through a hotel parking lot while trying to get some snacks from the gas station' adventures like we had on our first anniversary.  i love 'trapped in the mall because chris locked the keys in the truck' adventures.  i love 'trying to put a futon together because we finally broke the bed' adventures.  i love 'we don't really have enough money but dammit we're going to gen-con anyway' adventures.  i love 'it's 3 am, lets go to wal-mart' adventures.  and i especially love 'i don't feel like doing anything but being lazy with you today, lets just stay in our pajamas and do nothing at all' adventures.

as long as i'm with him, it's always an adventure.

i love you, chris.



  1. Gosh, I have places to go and you got me all emotional. :) I love you, too.

  2. your always emotional. you're my little emo-in-disguise. :D
