Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a packing blog!

trying to pack up a bunch of little knick knack-y stuff today.  

currently have one box full of small owls, two ghosts, a dinosaur, some see-no-evil-monkey, a baby figurine, team rocket, toki, mew, some of those laser etched glass things, a light up sock monkey and a stuffed  panda from panda express.  i tried to label the box as such, but didn't have enough room.  my collection of stuff is so weird!  the box was supposed to be an owls only box, but it got too full of little ones and the big ones wouldn't fit and that's how the dinosaur and ghosts and stuff came into it.

i'm sure you don't care.  

the point is i have a bunch of tiny random stuff to pack, and that if i pack the random tiny stuff now then i'll have more time later to help with the big stuffs.  also, if i pack up the tiny random stuff then i won't be thinking about eating, since what i had planned to be an awesome breakfast was ruined when mom ate the eggs.  D:  my tummy is already rumbling again, but i'm trying to wait until at least three before lunch-ing.

back to packing tiny-s.  will blog at you later.


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